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Adopting a dog? Check out these 5 tips!

Brain Training For Dogs

Turn Your Dog Into A Genius

Professional Dog Trainer Reveals 21 'Brain Games' That Will Skyrocket Your Dog's Intelligence, Obedience, And Overall Behavior!

The dog is also likely to respect the owner more if the owner is consistent and firm with what he wants the dog to do. Setting limits on what the dog can and cannot do is within the dog's nature. In fact, dogs enjoy hierarchy; it wants to know who the boss is. It is its tendency that is natural to dogs. If you have kids in the family, the size and activities of the dog you are planning to adopt should be considered. Small dogs are likely to be abused when kids are around because more often than not, kids treat their dogs like they would their toys. Very huge dogs, on the other hand, are a big no-no for small kids. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog The best way to describe this dog is "muscular, large, and powerful". This dog has very strong affinity to what they consider as the pack making them very protective of families and territories that they consider their own. This dog gets distressed when the family which it identifies as the "pack" is not together. The dog need to fear its owner from time to time, but mostly it does not create very strong bonds. It is often more recommended to build that bond out of mutual love, not fear. Recent researches by animal behaviorists also showed that animals do not really learn much from negative treatments. It obeys true but often, only to the extent that it is avoiding the pain that results. Most organizations charge more or less $100 for their dogs. If they charge more, be suspiscious. Bringing The New Dog Home Your long-term commitment with your new best friend begins once he steps into your door. The first few weeks after the adoption process are expected to be rough as the dog adjusts to his new environment. By that it means that the dog is friendly to both man and other smaller animals and gentle. Companion dogs have a life expectancy of up to 16 years. They weigh, depending on the breed, from 4 to 16 pounds and are prone to ailments that are related to their size. Before adopting a dog for a companionship, it would be well to do a little research regarding health, ailments, and other breed specific issues on health. 

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