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Brain Training For Dogs

Turn Your Dog Into A Genius

Professional Dog Trainer Reveals 21 'Brain Games' That Will Skyrocket Your Dog's Intelligence, Obedience, And Overall Behavior!

Herding dogs generally are intelligent animals. Their ability to follow commands is renowned all over the world. Herding dogs makes good family pets. However, they are most happy when they are used as workers. That is the purpose of their breeding and they are seldom happy when inactive. Herding dogs are very lively and strong and need a lot of exercise and activity. This is why a dog has to be trained to get used to the leash as early as possible. The following are tips to ease the dog in getting used to the leash. The first time is typically the hardest. When attaching a leash for the first time, try attaching the leash hen the pup is at his best mood. Better yet, attach the leash while the pup is eating. This is a natural response commonly observed among would-be owners at rescue homes and animal shelters. A little planning can still go a long way when deciding which dog to adopt. Even if your previous plans are all but forgotten, remembering the tips below can still help you resist that overpowering desire to bring them all home. Release the dog from the leash and let him walk alone in the yard. Sometimes without our knowing it, dogs may not necessarily be ill but just the same, the dog is not feeling very well. When released from the leash and let to roam the yard the dog will look for particular herbs and plants to chew. This is his way to heal himself or at least to revitalize whatever lethargy that the dog is suffering from. Highly energetic games, for example a game of fetch, would be good to release extra energy, just do not play tug of war with the pup. Playing tug of war will teach your pup to compete with you. Introduce games where you are in control over the pups activities. If you chose to adopt an energetic/athletic dog, chances are you are athletic as well and love the outdoors. This has not been shed off even through centuries of domestication. As such dogs practice hierarchy. Larger dogs often occupy and have the alpha male attitude and will bully any new pet that is added to their group. When decided to adding a new puppy, be sure to watch out that this does not happen. - Do not adopt a new dog without the agreement of all members of the family. 

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