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Brain Training For Dogs

Turn Your Dog Into A Genius

Professional Dog Trainer Reveals 21 'Brain Games' That Will Skyrocket Your Dog's Intelligence, Obedience, And Overall Behavior!

Interesting Dog Facts Dogs may not be men's best friend but it is the most loyal. Fiercely loyal in fact that it is capable of self-sacrifice if its owners are in danger and the need according to its interpretation exists. They do not possess the intelligence that we would often believe that they have in fact their brains are 10% smaller than that of wolves, but they are attentive or on many occasions pretend to comprehend. This means that they have been through tough emotional, mental and physical stresses which could take a long time to erase. They need more than a cozy place to stay; they need thorough attention and care. Unless you are ready to fully commit yourself to the rehabilitation of a puppy, you should settle for a more mature dog. No amount of medical attention can help if the puppy is chronically sick. Also, a sick puppy often grows with major health problems into adulthood. Check if the puppy is socialized. Most puppies are energetic and take pleasure in playing around with their owners and other dogs. Although you can't test the true behavior of puppies around people in confined, stressed environments like animal shelters, you can test their behaviors by handling them for a few minutes. This is why a dog has to be trained to get used to the leash as early as possible. The following are tips to ease the dog in getting used to the leash. The first time is typically the hardest. When attaching a leash for the first time, try attaching the leash hen the pup is at his best mood. Better yet, attach the leash while the pup is eating. You may be doing this several times but eventually the dog will catch on. When there is no place to sit, just stop walking. The dog will try to tug, get his attention and give the dog a treat or verbal assurances and resume walking. If you have a particularly energetic pup like a boxer or a retriever, you may want to tire the pup first before introducing him outside. Sporting dogs also called gun dogs are popular for their ability to work with other dogs. They excel in outdoor activities as they are bred for hunting. Sporting dogs are loyal and friendly. They love interacting and playing with the whole family and are protective with children. Another endearing quality of the sporting dog is being affectionate and gentle. 

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