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La desensibilisation, une methode efficace contre les allergies

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As reaction of entering "sensitized" food into your organism, your body, specific type of the antibodies which are also known as IgE which are "fitting" with the proteins. This reaction of your immune system influences on triggering an allergy. The reaction may be mild or sever with uncomfortable symptoms. Latex is found in Africa, but not only that it is used for making above mentioned products, but also it could be used and for making products in various areas such as healthcare products, intravenous tubing, syringes, dressings, stethoscopes, bandages and other. It is question how healthcare worker or consumers could to avoid usage of latex or better said: how you can control latex allergy. When it is about immunotherapy, it should to mention that you can use it, before the doctor doesn't done blood test or skin test for determining what exacts factors influence on causing allergy at you. It is essential for patient to have igE antibodies to the allergens, for using immunotherapy. It also confirmed by John Yunginger, M. For majority of the people, pollen is the most cause of the allergy, but research shows that mold allergies are the most common. It is because pollen allergies are more seasonal such as ragweed during the fall, cedar fever in winter, grass and certain flowers in spring. But, when it is about mold allergy, it is little bit different. Secondly, there are two terms related with wheat allergy that are clearly misused. These are "food allergy" and "food intolerance." People often think that the two are interchangeable and mean the same thing, when the truth couldn't be any farther. The differences between these two conditions are vast. Immune system is actually, your bio-weapon which protects your body from all diseases that are attacking your body. This mechanism may identify foreign invaders and in same time also destroy them. Still, sometimes it could happen that this mechanism, immune system, makes some mistakes which cause allergies. 

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