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The products with can never contain gluten are maize and rice. Food boxes such as breads and other baked goods are the most food boxes which contain substances which cause "doughy" as on of the main characteristic of gluten. Also, gluten is substance that contributes to sponging of products. Most usually symptoms of the food allergy are: Feeling of tingling in the mouth Tongue and throat swelling Problem with breathing, difficult breathing Hives Vomiting Crams in the stomach Diarrhea Blood pressure In the worst cases death Usually these signals appear after minutes to two hours after that you have entered certain food on which you are allergic. The most often symptoms when it is about cat allergy are: Wet, red colored, itchy and swollen eyes Areas of the skin covered with the red color Sneezing, Runny nose and post nasal drip Wheezing and coughing Stuffed up ears Nasal congestion and others Controlling of Cat Allergy The best solution is avoiding of the symptoms which cause allergy at you. The number of the people who have looked for the medical help when they had attack caused with the peanut is very small. Still, doctors recommend that people should to look for the medical help when their children or they get some of the allergy symptoms caused with peanut. It is because the number of the people who are dying from the food allergy is big. It is not normal reaction on the food that is triggering from your immune system and very serious if you compare with previous. Antibodies such as immunoglobulin E, IgE are producing massive cells in the mouth or nose and influence on realizing of the histamine, ready for inflammation and symptoms related to allergy reactions. Immune system is actually, your bio-weapon which protects your body from all diseases that are attacking your body. This mechanism may identify foreign invaders and in same time also destroy them. Still, sometimes it could happen that this mechanism, immune system, makes some mistakes which cause allergies. 

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