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- De Meer (1934-1996) - The Ajax team moved once again as they realized that the value of a football stadium is not determined by the building costs, but by the team playing in it. The De Meer stadium was to became Ajax home base for 62 years, and it was here where the legendary players built up the worldwide reputation the club now has. As many of the Amsterdam vacation resources have noted, these planned, seventeenth century extensions to the medieval town make for a distinctly elegant urban environment. This is further shown by the presence of tall gabled house that are reflected in the black green waters of the city. It is then nice to know that many of the Amsterdam vacationers have deemed the city as the city at its most beguiling, that is, a world away from the traffic and noise of a number of many other European city centers. International treaties prohibit the Netherlands from legalizing cannabis, even if they wanted to. However, the possession of a small quantity is considered to be a misdemeanor rather than a criminal offence. Many of the people in Amsterdam are used to a certain practice in which the possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis is permitted. Note that the result presented on their weather forecast is calculated based on a weighting of different types of weather, so if a day is forecast to be sunny with the possibility of a brief shower, then you will see a sunny or partly cloudy symbol instead of a rain cloud. And, from the Amsterdam weather forecast made by BBC, it is clearly shown that the speed and direction of the wind are the expected condition at midday in the city. Their apartments are generally offered with the finest location and standards. They actually have a listing of the available apartments, and the owners of these apartments are personal friends of the Flatmates' team, people who are good hosts and will give you with any assistance you might need. Sunhead 1617 Sunhead is another top-rated name in the line of great Amsterdam apartments. Most of them are busting with tales of the unexpected and if you get chances to visit the place, I'm sure that you will also create your own tales to tell. Well, Amsterdam is not just about sex and drugs; it has all the great things that Mother Earth has to offer. The Netherlands has in fact that most amount of great museums per square foot than anywhere else in the world.
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