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Range The size of your house, as well as the distance of the nursery from your bedroom or other vital parts of your home need to be taken into consideration. If you live in a small apartment or if your baby's room is only a couple of rooms away, then virtually any type of baby monitor will suffice. On the other hand, parents who own bigger houses or live in multi-story residences require a device that has a longer range. Sadly, even though they are your topmost priority, there are still other things in the priority list that need your attention. So how do you go on with your daily activities without sacrificing the quality of security, love, and care that you need to give your baby? You can use video baby monitors. Baby Monitors Basically, baby monitors are devices that parents can use to be able to observe their baby even if they are not in the same room. If the parents sleep in a different room from the baby, it would prove to be impossible to be able to monitor him or her perfectly unless you wake up every minute and check up on your little tyke. So the best way to do this is to use a baby monitor. With this kind of device, you can monitor your baby as if you were actually right there beside him or her. Almost all types of monitors, whether audio or video, can be wired or wireless. It all comes down to budget and preference. The Advantages of Wireless Baby Monitors As have been mentioned, the most advantageous feature of a wireless baby monitor is mobility. Imagine being able to move around the house doing all the necessary chores without losing the ability to watch over the baby. With baby monitors, you can keep track of your baby s even if you are doing something else in the proximity of your house. Types of Baby Monitors Baby monitors have evolved through the years. From the simple transmitter and receiver device, different baby monitors have been developed. Currently, there are two types of baby monitors: video baby monitors and audio baby monitors. Wireless VS Wired Baby Monitors Video and audio baby monitors can either be wired or wireless. Both modes have their own advantages and disadvantages. But as of today, parents usually prefer the wireless devices over wired ones for reasons of mobility. With wireless devices, parents can go anywhere around the house while still being able to keep tabs over their babies. 

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