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These interferences can also cause sounds to be muffled and inaudible. So Are EVPs Real? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in the afterlife? These questions seem to have no specific and factual answers and so does the question Are EVPs real? A sound is just a sound and it all depends on how they are interpreted. Children, after all, are much more prone to damage as their systems are still developing at such a young age. So we ask the question that many of these parents want to know, is it really safe to use digital baby monitors for children? What is Electro-SMOG and How Does It Threaten Our Health? Electro-SMOG is the electromagnetic energy that is emitted by common gadgets in our home such as our televisions, cordless phones, microwaves and digital baby monitors. Since it is wireless, the limitation that the length of wires provide does not apply to it making it more possible to move around the house while still being able to monitor your baby. Almost all types of monitors, whether audio or video, can be wired or wireless. It all comes down to budget and preference. This has been the concern of parents who use baby monitors in their flats. Because of the number of tenants who also use different gadgets, interference among baby monitors is quite common. With this kind of setup, security and comfort of your baby may be put at risk. Fixing Interference Problems Baby monitors are great help for parents who are always on the go. This makes it even more difficult for you to hear or decode the sounds that are coming from your baby's room. How to fix Wireless Interference? As bothersome as these interference problems may be, they are by no means without a solution. Here are some tips on how to avoid or, at least, minimize the nuisance of interfering wireless signals in your home. This may cost a little more than the analog versions, but if you do have the money to spare, then try to go digital. Tips When Using Baby Monitors in Block of Flats 1) As much as baby monitors can help parents, personal supervision is still very important. It is more important when you live in a flat where there are a lot of people and strangers can easily come and go. 

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