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If you live in a small apartment or if your baby's room is only a couple of rooms away, then virtually any type of baby monitor will suffice. On the other hand, parents who own bigger houses or live in multi-story residences require a device that has a longer range. In this way, they will know for certain that the transmitter and receiver will not falter even in extended distances. The most basic application of a wired video baby monitor is to provide live video feed from the room of the baby to the room of the parents. This is most useful during the sleeping hours of the parents. With the video baby monitor installed, you can continually monitor your baby without having to stand up and going to your baby in the next room. If you prefer to have one radio transmitter in every room, there are actually a smaller number of choices. In order to set up a multi-room monitoring system, some parents purchase more than one baby monitors. By simply positioning one radio transmitter in each room, you can listen to the sounds coming from your baby's room even if you're busy with house chores or other stuff. Unfortunately, parents are only humans and as such, you also get tired and will need rest from time to time. And what better way to rest than from the comforts of your room. This is where baby monitors come in handy. With these devices, you will still be able to monitor your baby even if he or she is in another room. One of the most controversial topics about digital technology in baby monitors is health risk. Since these digital devices make use of signals like electro magnetic waves, they may cause health problems to babies especially when they are at that stage when growth and development is on "rapid mode. Baby Video Monitors Extreme The usual setup for baby video monitors is that a camera is placed in the baby s room then a monitor, usually an LCD type, will be carried by the parent. But now, video monitors have gone to the extreme level. Parents can now use the baby video monitors to watch over their youngling even when they are at the office.
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