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In 1985 with their new bylaws in place the USABDA was given tax-exempt status by the IRS. With the unification process started the USABDA was officially recognized by what is now known as the International DanceSport Federation (IDSF). The USABDA now governs all forms of amateur ballroom dancing in the United States. Ballroom dancing has grown by leaps and bounds in the past decade, and more and more people are catching on to the dance craze. This is important and certainly works in your favor because you can find several instructional DVD's and videos on ballroom dancing. You can watch them in the comfort of your own home and practice at any time. Most ballroom dance shoes are lightweight - heavy-soled shoes can greatly obstruct your dancing and leave you with extremely sore feet. The maximum height for ladies' shoes is three inch heels, whereas men's shoes are around one and a half inches. Like choosing a dress, shoes for ballroom dancing should not be based on appearance alone. Great music combined with talented dancers and flamboyant costumes makes for a hit whether it's Standard Ballroom dancing, Latin American dance, jazz or disco In some movies the ballroom dancing comprises just a scene or two as in with Gone With the Wind, when Rhett bids for the honor of dancing the Virginia Reel with Scarlett or in The Shining when the hotel ghosts dance the night away in the grand ballroom. Togetherness: When your bodies are correctly melded together you will be able to dance in total synchronization with your partner and appear to lead and follow with no effort. Presentation: The judges will be looking not only for how you appear to them but how well you sell yourselves to the audience. You will find people in clubs doing the Waltz, or the Tango or the Quick Step but you won't see them performing a Paso Doble. Although bullfights can be traced all the way back to ancient Greece they weren't a part of the culture of Spain until the 1700's. The excitement and tension of the bullfight, the pride and dignity of the matador as well as the flair of his cape are all portrayed in the Paso Doble. 

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