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Identifying behavioral disorders in children

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Sociophobics realize that this extreme fear toward interactions is unreasonable, but they can t control it. They feel it and the horror don t seem to go away. Social Anxiety manifests itself with dry throat and mouth, trembling, muscle twitches, blushing profusely, fast heartbeats, difficulty in swallowing, butterflies in the stomach, and the intense fear. Experts say that many children that are already in school age are prone to developing behavior problems. To help children veer away from developing behavioral problems or to overcome the signs of it, here are some of the things that teachers and parents can do: - Always assure the child of your love and support. But as time goes by, more and more findings are being linked to the human body that can affect its major parts like the brain. These major developments or possibilities continue to be under the observation and study of the leading institutions in the world right now. Among the age brackets that are prone to developing behavior problems are kids that are in the grade school level. Anti-social personality disorder A person who has this disorder is often seen violating laws which can lead to arrests, repeated lying, aggressiveness, irresponsibility, being indifferent and may exhibit addiction to alcohol or drugs. Bipolar disorder The behavior of those with bipolar disorder would often have mood changes: from a period of being happy to period of irritability. Parents could volunteer in school activities and staff events to see what is happening inside the school. Parents should also pay attention to what their children would say about school. Most children would only say good things about school since they think that their parents are only hoping to hear good news. In order to check if you are already an unfortunate candidate of this disorder, you have to ask yourself the following questions: Has this excessive anxiety been going on and off for the past 6 months or so? Do you often experience the following: restlessness, muscle tension, irritability, unusual fatigue, disturbed sleep, and difficulty in concentrating? 

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