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You will need a good soil for your tree, a proper pot with good drainage, and the basic tools for working wiring and trimming your tree. This typically is a minor investment, and most of the supplies will last you for several years. Depending on the type of bonsai you are growing, you may need to invest in other materials, especially for trees that require more delicate care. Also, some species of bamboo will not take root as well from cuttings as others. Bamboo bonsai uses many of the techniques for care that more difficult bonsai trees use. You will need the same types of tools to maintain them, and you can use the same style of wire to help guide the trunk and branches of the bamboo. Removing dirt and keeping your bonsai clean is vital to promote good health of the tree. A final aspect of bonsai care, that many beginners are not aware of, is learning when the proper time to prune and pot the tree is at. Each species of tree is different, and depending on when your tree is dormant and active is when you will prune your plant. Bonsai resellers online will typically acquire their soils from these types of places and make blends suitable for certain types of trees. When you purchase bonsai soil, it is important that you test the soil prior to use. Good quality soils will not break down easily. You should not be able to crush it in your hand easily, or break it when doused in water and then frozen. Typically, Japanese maple bonsai trees are best suited for mid range to larger bonsais with trunks ranging between one and four inches. There are some disadvantages to using Japanese maple bonsai trees in your designs. In many of the trees, particularly landscape bonsai that live outdoors, it can take ten to twenty years to get the tree to the stage it is ready to be designed. Frost can damage the roots, branches and leaves of the tree, effectively shortening its lifespan. A greenhouse may be required for storing your maple bonsai if you live in a colder region that goes beyond the normal habitat of these trees. If you are interested in purchasing a maple bonsai, you can buy seeds, a seedling, or even a full grown tree through an online vendor, or you can inquire about these trees at your local garden or plant nursery.
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