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Getting Ready For The Bonsai Bash - Greenwood Bonsai

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As you become more adept at bonsai tree care, you will learn how to properly prune your plant, pot it in larger pots, and trim the roots so you have a proper sized root mass. You will learn how to wire your plant so the branches go to the form you want without leaving unsightly scars or damaging the visual aspects of your bonsai tree. These tools are vital to encourage the good health of your tree, and should be used as frequently as needed to prune any dead or dying branches, care for the roots, and maintain the soil for your tree. For the novice, selecting which tools you need can be difficult. There are many basic bonsai tools used to care for a tree, and these are typically sold as beginner sets. It grows and spreads through several venues, either growing new parts of a tree by expanding its root system or having birds carry away the figs where the seeds will grow into new plants. Unlike other variety of fig plants, the banyan bonsai is not edible. The banyan bonsai is preferred by many, as it is easy to care for and shape compared to many of the other different types of bonsais available on the market. You can purchase it at many stores carrying plants, buy new shoots online that can be grown and transplanted into bonsai pots, or you can cut shoots from other bamboo plants and transplant them to begin your new plant. How quickly the bamboo bonsai will grow and take root is based off of the species of bonsai you are growing. When you use bonsai wire, you are effectively damaging the tree. When you bend the branches of the tree into the desired shape and secure them with wire, you are damaging the cells of the tree. The branch or trunk is trained to its new location by having the damaged cells heal. When they heal, the tree branch will grow in the shape you want, as that is how the cells are now formed. If you have received a juniper bonsai as a gift, or you are interested in growing your own from a seed or seedling, you will want to keep pruning and wiring supplies on hand, as these are the most common tools you will use with your juniper bonsai. Careful pruning of new buds and excess branches and needles will help improve your design of the tree. 

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