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When you first buy a bonsai, there are a few tools that you will want to keep on hand to ensure it is properly cared for. These include shears, a rake, tweezers and a small broom. While the shears and rake are obvious in their gardening uses, many people do not realize the importance of both the tweezers and the broom. These types of bonsai sales are usually where you can get the best prices on high quality bonsai supplies and plants. This is the type of bonsai sale that you want to take advantage of, as these high quality Japanese bonsai supplies will last a lifetime if properly cared for. This is important, as knowing your equipment is key in using it properly. For the experienced bonsai grower, a good soil makes the difference between a thriving, healthy tree and one that will only survive a few months to a year. When you are selecting bonsai soil, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind, regardless of whether or not you are an experienced grower. However, there are some things that you should consider before you begin to use bonsai wire to shape the branches and trunk of your tree. When you use bonsai wire, you are effectively damaging the tree. When you bend the branches of the tree into the desired shape and secure them with wire, you are damaging the cells of the tree. Each species of tree is different, so research is required when you pick out a new bonsai. However, despite all of the things that need done and need to be kept in mind, bonsai growing is an exceptionally rewarding hobby. As the trees can live to be hundreds of years old, you can expect to keep your tree with you your entire life, if you care for it properly. Juniper Bonsai Are one of the most versatile styles of bonsai that you can grow. Suitable for use in all styles except the broom style, this conifer tree is adaptable, takes well to wiring, and is easy to care for as long as you pay close attention to the tree. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when you tend to a juniper bonsai.
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