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The Biology Behind Bonsai Trees

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By tending to a juniper indoors, it is unlikely to get the light it needs for survival, nor the harsher conditions it needs to thrive. Unlike delicate tropical plants, the juniper bonsai has grown for hundreds of years in conditions most plants would not like. Because of this, it needs winter dormancy in order to be able to repair itself from any damage it took in the growing season. A Challenge of Growing a Bonsai Growing bonsai is a challenge for beginners, as there are a lot of steps that are involved in the growing process. However, while there are a lot of steps, the process of growing a bonsai is extremely simple if you have patience and take your time learning what you need to know. These trees are typically five to seven years old and have had their basic shape already tended to by a bonsai tree artist. These trees are easier to take care of than shaping and designing your own tree, but are also more restrictive on what can be done with them. These trees are good for beginners who want to learn how to care for a bonsai tree without investing several years in designing the tree. Bonsai trees require quick draining soil that maintains its shape in order to stay alive. Due to the small amount of space that a bonsai has to work with, if you do not have good soil, root rot is much more likely to occur. Root rot is a death sentence for a bonsai tree, and can quickly ruin years of growth of your tree. The tweezers are often looked at oddly by those who are not familiar with bonsai care. Of the bonsai supplies, the tweezers are vital for the removal of grass and weeds. Unlike large trees, bonsais grow in small pots, and any amount of weeds or grass can strip the tree of the nutrients it needs for survival. The next thing you need to remember about bonsai tree care is that these trees are usually grown outdoors. They require certain habitats that cannot be mimicked in certain growing regions. Research the tree you are planning to grow. This will make certain that you are using the right bonsai tree care tactics and ensure the long life of your plant. 

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