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Never take the eyes away from the head pin during the first or second ball. Professionals say that balls really do follow the player's eyes. 9. Bend the knees when releasing the ball as this creates ball control. 10.Avoid turning the wrist to prevent fracture. 11. Wipe the ball as often as needed to keep dirt and oil from sticking to it and make sure that it is dry. You should be able to feel the pull at the shoulder joint and sustain it for eight counts. Do the same for the other arm. Arms Take one arm and raise it above your head. Then bend it at the elbow, while your opposite arm holds it in place. The pull should be felt in the muscles at the back of your arm. Stretching When doing stretching exercises that involve the neck and shoulder, it is best to hold each stretch for about eight counts to get utmost results. This will give the muscles enough time to condition. 2. Sweat it out! It is important to start sweating when doing some bowling warm up exercises. This technique is characterized by employing the "by the book" style of playing that entails the proper execution of even movements, keeping square shoulders to the target all the way through the release of the ball, and maintaining an on-time move at the "foul line." This is the "classic" technique of most bowlers because it employs smooth and controlled movements and lessens the possibility of injuries. He needs to hold the ball with the two fingers of his dominant hand - if he is left-handed, then he can handle the ball with his left hand and vise versa. Other players will tuck their "pinky" finger under the ball to add force and support when releasing it. 3. The player needs to focus on the lane and concentrate where he wants it to cross. Bowling Tip #4: Let em roll Spend time rolling the ball. A bowling ball should never be thrown. How do you tell the difference? A thrown ball will land with a loud clunk and then slide a few feet before beginning to roll. A rolled ball lands quietly and quickly rolls down the lane. If you find that you re in the habit of throwing the ball, simply slow down.
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