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How to build a shed

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Most storage sheds though are used for keeping large tools like a wheel barrow or a grass cutter, so it is inevitable that one day it may either break off its hinges or develop a big hole because of the occasional banging and hitting of your equipment. So it is advisable to have a sizeable shed door where you can easily bring in or take out your equipment. To help you in this endeavor, you will need the services of tools like a tape measure, a pair of levels, chalk lines and a framing square. To further ensure that your shed is rock solid and will be able to provide your belonging shelter for decades to come, it is imperative that you provide it with a good foundation. This shed serves as storage for all the items that are needed to maintain a beautiful garden. A garden shed would need good storage areas such as shelves, cabinets and chests for storing chemicals and fertilizers as well as a safe area for storing sharp garden tools. For some, a shed ramp is also necessary if you decide to store a large grass mower. Sheds are not overly complicated so if you know the basics of handling your tools and building, it will be easy for you, it s also one of the best projects to learn about building stuff. Here are some of the things one should learn on how to build a shed. First off, you should know what your purpose for the shed is. There are some disadvantages though when using a skids foundation. Because it is only made of wood and not totally locked to the ground, your shed will not be able to accommodate heavy equipment like garden tractors. Your shed can only be built with a limited size and also they tend to be susceptible to moisture which in turn will shorten their life. Compact the soil and make sure that it is leveled. Using a post digger, dig six holes, three on each side of your outline, about 4 inches deep. You will use this for the posts where you will attach your roof later on. Place the posts inside and pour cement to hold them in. Step 4. You can now pour in your cement for your foundation; it should be about six inches deep and make sure to level it. 

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