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Yankee Candle Company works with schools to offer candle sales as a fundraising project. Education is important to Yankee Candle Company, and schools earn a large profit for their sales. If you are interested in more information on fundraising opportunities, call or email the Yankee Candle Company. They will happily send you brochures on the program as well as answer any questions you may have. This gives you the opportunity to learn the basics, then you can move on to making the types of candles you really want to. One secret to making great candles is to use quality products. In general, candle making supplies are inexpensive. If the wax you purchase is of poor quality, then it is never going to make quality candles. It won t take long for it to harden, thus becoming very slippery. The dyes and scents used in candle making can leave stains. The best way to set up your work area for candle making is to divide it into three specific work stations for preparation, the melting process, and the cooling process. The preparation area doesn t need to be large, just a flat surface that is well organized. Keeping the wick in place can be tricky. Once your candle wax is at the proper temperature, add in anything you want to be including in your candle including dye, scents, and additives. Immediately after, pour the hot wax into the pillar candle molds. Do not pour wax all the way to the top of the mold. You will want the wick to be several inches longer than the top of your mold. Insert the wick from the bottom of the mold. Hold it securely in the middle of the mold by tying the top of the wick to a pencil that lies across the top of the mold. This is the point in the process where you will want to add any color or fragrance to the melted wax. Assure them that there are many other aspects of the candle making that they can be a part of. To start, gather your supplies. In addition to the crayons, you will need a wax cartoon. This can be from milk, fabric softener, or orange juice. You will also need paraffin wax, two full ice cube trays, a double boiler, and white packing string.
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