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Marbled Candle How-To | Part 3

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For best results, only add the crayons to the wax after it has completely melted. After the crayons and wax have both melted together, immediately remove the mixture from the stove and pour into your candle holders. If you would like to make scented candles try adding a splash of cinnamon or vanilla to your hot wax mixture. The Ajello Candle Company continued to grow and sells were well beyond anticipated both in Italy and the United States. In 1953 the company was asked to create 2,200 candles for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. The company was honored to meet the request, and had all the candles ready in six months. This type of additive becomes clumped if it is exposed to humidity so keep it in a closed, dry environment. Use this type of additive as a release agent. Add one teaspoon for each pound of wax. Poly-AC is a fine powder, white in color. It has a dry texture and should also be stored in a dry environment to prevent clumping. For a simple yet attractive design, consider gluing a pretty colored ribbon around the top of the container. The design of container candles allow them to burn down to almost nothing, ensuring you get the most use out of each candle. For great decorating tips and ideas go online. You will be fascinated at all the great container candles out there including ones for the holidays, special occasions, and fun themes. They want customers to be completely satisfied with the candle products. You can contact their customer service department if you have questions, comments, or concerns about your candle products. Safety is very important as well, so please report any potential candle safety hazards to them as well. The Yankee Candle Company reminds customers to only use the candles for their intended purpose. For some, it is a very profitable business venture. Candle making provides you with they ability to create wonderful designs and crafts out of your candles. There is no limit to the shapes, sizes, and colors you can make your candles in. A candle is a device to provide light or fragrance. Candles have become very popular for the wonderful aromas more than for their ability to produce light. 

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