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There are more to car detailing than that, fortunately for you, there are certain steps that you can do be able to not only detail your own car, but do it well. Just follow these simple hints so you can maintain your car s showroom shine. Wash Your Car The very first thing that you need to do before you attempt to apply anything on your car is to wash your car well. Anticipate the condition of your car s finish, as it could get worse if left untreated. Know What Materials You are Using In order to ensure that you don t ruin your car s finish, you need to first identify what things you need for the detailing job you are planning on doing to your car. Basically, detailing your car would require you to purchase a particular type of wax, and buff it in a certain way to achieve a specific effect on your car s finish, like if your car s finish has a slight oxidation finish, then you simply need to purchase a cleaner wax to give you that showroom shine and glow. There are several service providers as well that will offer you a variety of styles and other designs depending on which look you wish to carry. Here are some more tips and info. Getting the Paint First of all, you need to choose the right tone for your car. You might want to read more about the different colors and what the statistics are. But if you would like to stick with spot treatment for scratches or uneven paint, then try to focus application of compound within that given area. Tips for Improved Compounding Results If you want to enhance the overall quality of your car paint, you need to consider applying the following tips for better compounding results: Apply a slight brush of detailing spray onto the polishing pad since it will make applying the compound a lot easier and more precise. Make sure it is free off any litter or foreign substances left behind, such as empty plastic bottles or cups, cigarette ashes, or any form of garbage. Once you have removed all visible litters, then you can take off the floor mat to begin cleaning out the interior. Use detail spray to clean out the ashtray on your vehicle. You will find out more about how this is performed, along with additional guidelines to keep in mind. What You Need Below are some of the materials you need to prepare before detailing your car engine: Plastic bag Water hose Water Metal polish Engine degreaser Wax Microfiber towel Vinyl protectant Wire brush Prep Work To get you started, you need to remove the hood first.
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