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Know Your Value and Align Your Career With Your Purpose | Nwana Okafor | TEDxNazarethCollege

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That analysis will include a list of the jobs that most accurately match your personality and abilities. For example, when I took an online assessment test to see whether or not writing was the right career field for me, I found that it was. It also said that I was well suited for teaching and sales. Networking Career Planning Center If you are planning for a new career, you can find an amazing amount of help by networking at a career planning center. Networking can be a great way for you to advance your career just by talking with other people and getting to know them in social situations. At a career planning center, you are making important networking connections just by showing up there. Career planning can be very important to you whether you are changing your career or trying to advance in your present field. Maybe you re a high school or college student with little idea about what your long term goals in life are and you need help choosing a career that s right for you. Either way, you ll want to get help from a trusted professional and the resources are out there. In the fashion circles famous names like Mario Testino (easily one of the hottest names out there) and Eva Mueller (photographer for Fashion Magazine Allure) are just as sought out if not more then those men and women sauntering their way into our conscious. High Paychecks and glamour s Lifestyle of hob nobbing it with the rich and famous might be the dream of many young shutterbug, however it is not easy to reach the golden Staircases of the well-known fashion houses and magazines. It can outline all of the careers that are in the accounting field as well as tell you what you will need to do to advance through the ranks and achieve your ultimate career goal whatever that might be. And that s where the accounting career guide comes into play. It can help you identify where exactly you want to be in your career and then you can set goals to help keep you in line with where you want to be. Goal setting just like with many different things in life can help keep you focused and realize what you need to accomplish in order to achieve your goals. Without goals, you are just wandering aimlessly, and that won t get you anywhere in life except down the wrong road. After you have set your goals, the next step in career planning is to set about getting the training you need that will get you into the career you have chosen. 

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