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They will likely have classes and seminars you can participate in that will further your experience not only in a particular job field but also to help you with any personal issues like projecting the correct persona when applying for a job. This is where your networking opportunities come about. The seminars are going to be conducted, most likely, by people in the business world, so be sure you introduce yourself to the seminar instructor and say something that will make you memorable as long as it has to do with business and is appropriate! Teaching Career Planning Across the Curriculum Teaching across the curriculum is an increasingly popular way of instructing students because it covers a variety of subjects in one lesson which is why it is especially important in the career planning field as well. Let s say you have a high school student who isn t quite sure what he or she wants to do for a career. If you want to be a certified nurse s assistant, you will need the least amount of schooling than if you want to be a licensed registered nurse. A good nursing career guide will tell you all about what is required of you in each position along with what type of job duties you can expect to do in that job. Usually, you will start out small as a clerk and then you can advance through the ranks into a certified public accountant, an auditor, and even a chief financial officer of a company. The possibilities are really endless, but you ll need a plan first. Find an accounting career guide that will help you know what to expect in specific jobs as well as any special training that will help you succeed. Career assessment testing can help pinpoint where your strengths lay and how to apply them professionally. While no guarantee of success or happiness, career interest tests can be an extraordinarily useful tool in narrowing down your best career choices. The key objective of a career aptitude test is to help you understand your own natural or acquired abilities and identify the career choices that best match your aptitudes. It s never too early to begin career planning, but it can also be mind-boggling if you don t have a specific job in mind that you ll want to do and where you want your life to finally end up. But don t worry; there are resources and help that are at your disposal which you absolutely should take advantage of when it comes to planning your career. 

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