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Vegetable and protein fibers share the common disadvantage that they are both very absorbent and will have extended drying times when wet cleaned - which can lead to mildew, shrinkage, and even dry rot. Wool Wool fiber is produced from the fleece of lambs or sheep. Wool of carpet is imported from countries such as England, Australia, and New Zealand. Once you realize that others feel the same way, its time to go shopping. Frieze is an excellent choice of carpet, one of the most popular types that you can purchase even today. Frieze offers you a lot of benefits without having to compromise anything. The following are points that you'll want to consider when you evaluate the durability of the carpet: 1. There are many types and makes of steam carpet cleaners available on the market, ranging from small portables to the large and very powerful truck mounted units. The principle is the same no matter what model you pick. The models that are truck mounted are designed so that only the hose and the wand are taken into the area being cleaned. Choosing the right installer for your carpet will entirely depend on your specific needs. If you like to change your carpet type every few years, you may be better off to choose an independent carpet installer. If you want carpet that will last for a long time, you should get a follow up from a retailer, as this will ensure that you have a trouble free experience with installation. Polyester doesn't absorb water based spills, isn't affected by urine or kool-aid, but it will absorb oil based spills. Polyester is non allergenic and mildew resistant. Acrylic/modacrylic Both of these fibers were first used as carpet yarns around the late 1940s. They disappeared around 1988 due to the competition from other fibers. There are many different colored yarns being used and the entire process is capable of producing very intricate patterns from designs that are pre-determined. Normally, woven is the highest quality of carpet on the market. Tufted This type of carpet is produced on a tufting machine by using either a single colored or sometimes a non colored yarn. 

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