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If you are forbidding something, be consistent. Don t change your mind, and stick to the same command. If you ve caught your cat doing something bad, give it a quick squirt of water from a plant sprayer. This will soon curb the behaviour. Never hurt or shout at your cat, or it will associate you with the unpleasantness. These are the ideal places for fleas to hide including the ears, eyes and the nose. And, they like to burrow in the creases where the cat s legs and body meet. When combing your pet, if you find a flea you know they are throughout his body. But, if you end up with a few black or brown specks, this too is a sign that they are hiding somewhere on the pet s body. How To Be A Responsible Cat Owner Now that you have a cat or several cats in the house, you need to think about how you can be a responsible cat owner and provide for the needs of your cats. This means that you have to think about the cats living conditions, feeding, grooming, and clean-up. Regarding your cat s living conditions, this will be largely influenced by your own lifestyle. Affectionate Breeds are great for children: Snowshoe, Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Abyssinian, Tonkinese, Himalayan Persian Reserved Breeds: Nebelung, Russian Shorthair, Norwegian Forest Cat Lastly, choose if you would like to go with a kitten or an abandoned older cat. Remember that kittens need to be trained but that adult cats can already be set in their ways. This means you won t have to deal with messy traps or dangerous poisons around your home. Many cat owners claim they haven t come across a mouse in their home for years with this line of defense. Cats are very precious and beautiful animals as well. They have a gentle hum to them that can be relaxing for humans. With talking for the commands, a cat could mistake the commands. With using a clicker, it is more of a training tool to get the behavior started with the cat. Then you can put the clicker away for that behavior or trick once a cat has learned the behavior When taking the cat out for a walk or on a trip, the clicker is a good item to carry along with you. 

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