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Cats are clean animals as they spend a large amount of time grooming themselves each day. In the majority of cases, cats lead a very happy and long life without too many problems. They don t cost very much because cat food and litter are very cheap. They don t require as many vet visits for routine shots either like dogs do which can become quite expensive. Because of the way many pet food companies describe the meat in the food, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what the difference between chicken flavored , and chicken dinner is. Food that contains chicken meal can only be made from the skin, flesh, and bones only. This is really the best type of protein for a cat. Start by opening the flap fully, just showing the tit-bit, then next time close the flap a little bit and keep on doing so until the cat realises that the flap will open with a small push of the head. Cats like to sharpen their claws on most household furniture! Suites, corners of walls (thick paper), carpets. The first time you use your cat carrier it is also a good idea to put down some newspaper in side just incase your cat has any "accidents". It can be awkward getting a fully grown adult cat into its carrier but you can sometimes trick them with food or treats, kittens on the other hand are much easier to get in to one as you can generally just pick them up and place them in side with out to much hassle. This is designed to warn potential prey animals that your cat is out hunting. The idea behind these is to avoid your cat bringing home gifts and presents, especially ones that are still alive!! In the main these devices are ineffective and its usually best to remove them so there s less to get caught up in bushes and fences. If your cat refuses to use the scratch post, then it may not like the fabric that covers it. Try putting an old piece of clothing that smells like you over the board; put some hemp rope around the scratching tree, or put down some straw mats, cats often like these better. Make sure where your cat sleeps is quiet and comfortable.
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