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Here, you can also find first hand information by parents who went through the same thing and you can even adapt the strategies they used on your own setting. To ensure that you will win child custody case that you have filed, you should make your child s welfare the most important thing. Make sure that their welfare is monitored and they are safe from any form of harm while on the process. Tell your children that you and their other parent are having difficulties reaching an agreement on what is best for them, so you are seeking the help of other people to figure it out. The lawyers and the judge will try their best to determine the best arrangement for the children. Do not pretend that nothing is going on your children deserves to know the truth especially if it will concern them in the future. If you are one of those parents who have filed or planning to file for a child custody case, then you should be developing by now the strategies that will help you win custody over your beloved child. Experts say that the best way to win a child custody case is to be armed with information on it. If you are knowledgeable on the nitty gritty of child custody, you won t be easily fooled by the other parent in getting the custody. The court does not consider the non-marital sexual relationship of one parent in terms of the best interests of the child. But if the parent s new partner has caused harm to the child or if the child is made uncomfortable by the displays of affection, the court will question the parenting capabilities of that person. Experts say that one of the most effective methods for helping parents who have loss child custody cases is the process called "desensitization" which is underlying principle in the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. This is an educated approach to overcoming depression as well as anxiety because the process involves making the person face the fear "face to face". Usually, both parents are awarded joint legal custody, unless one of them is found to be unfit or unable to make the right decisions. Legal custody is not the same as physical custody which concerns issues on where the child will reside. Physical custody This is the right granted to the everyday care of the child. 

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