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Or you can do an Easter egg hunt type of hunt. Hide pieces of the same object all over the yard and let the children look for them. Pin the X on the X This game is a staple of children's birthday parties. This can be pin the tail on the donkey, pin the hat on the sailor, pin the earrings on the queen, or whatever. Entertainment mainly refers to games. Thus, you have to have several activities planned to keep the birthday celebrator and his or her guests out of boredom. At a children's party, nothing is more terrible than having the kids complain that they want to go home early during the event because nothing's happening. While party planners are already seasoned and experienced with what they do, none of their efforts would work if they don't first understand what your child and the children who will be attending are interested in. Clowns are staple birthday party entertainment. So are magicians and face painters. Be careful with bringing in characters though, because not all children respond positively to clowns and mascots. " the children must pass on the apple from their neck to the next child's neck without dropping it. They must only use their neck and chin and the children disobeying would be disqualified. The last person should wear a hankerchief to indicate that he or she is the last. When the apple reaches the last person, he or she should run to the game master keeping the apple in the same position on his neck. You can modify them to your child's liking if you wish. Themed Party Children love make believe games because it gives them a sense of wonder and discovery. Thus, what more can you give an inquisitive and curious child than a themed birthday party? Girls can have fairy-themed or Bratz-themed parties, while boys may find some comfort with sports-themed or car-themed parties. Fun Filled Childrens Party Ideas Your little one's birthday is coming up and you're at your wits end looking for great ideas to make his special day extra special. Most parents would take the short route and hire a party organizer for this purpsoe. However, while this is convenient, nothing can definitely compare to seeing the smile on your child's face if you plan his party yourself. 

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