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show, you should be sure to read the story well for ideas. If you base your theme on Blue's Clues then you should know that blue loves to search for clues. So, the traditional Scavenger Hunt can become Blue's Treasure Hunt. Maybe you will also like to play theme music at a party and read an easier and shorter version of the original story. Thus, if you're hunting for an entertainer you can hire for the party, look for someone who is a jack of all trades. Of course, since the entertainer you're hiring will be servicing a children's birthday party, he or she must have a genuine love for kids. He or she should be truly interested in making children happy, otherwise, you'd be defeating your purpose. It is, therefore, for this reason that themed birthday parties are a hit among children. It doesn't matter what kind of party you're intending to throw. Any children's party may be celebrated with a theme. In fact, you don't really need to have a particular occasion to be able to host a themed party, or any party, for that matter. Some ideas include hiding goodie bags and handing out pieces of paper containing clues on how to find the bags. Draw a map to the "treasure". Or you can do an Easter egg hunt type of hunt. Hide pieces of the same object all over the yard and let the children look for them. Pin the X on the X This game is a staple of children's birthday parties. Clowns are staple birthday party entertainment. So are magicians and face painters. Be careful with bringing in characters though, because not all children respond positively to clowns and mascots. You might be in for a major disaster if you're not careful. Fun music is also important. You can purchase children's songs from any record store. That's why it's important to keep in mind that if you're planning to host a party for children, you have to make sure it holds their attentions for more than just a few minutes to be successful. One good way to keep the kids interested in the entire event is to host a themed party. A themed event is easier to pull off because you have only one look and feel to work with.
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