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People are just born with it and will become prominent once they are of certain age. 3. Thickened lid muscle. When the lid muscles are already thickened, there is a possibility that a bag will be formed under your eyes. When eye bags cannot anymore be removed by other simple treatments, people resort to cosmetic eye surgery to remove eye bags permanently. Usually, relatives and friends can visit you in your room. You may begin socializing with them on a minimal basis since you are not yet fully recovered. As you slowly start getting your energy back, you will be aided by a nurse or an attendant in sitting up and drinking the required fluids. You can even start dressing up, with the help of your nurses, of course. Men do have excess fats hidden away in the clothes that they are wearing. And these fats are also a big deal for them. This is why they resort to liposuction to remove these excesses and have a nice and fit body they can carry and show. 2. Eye surgery. Eye bags are also a problem with men. These eye bags can make them appear older and tired looking the way it does to women. When the skin is chosen to be removed, the incisions will then be sealed with sutures. The structure of the bone and the type of skin is considered during the face lift operation. This is because the incision should be well hidden behind the ear for it to appear natural. And this is beside the fact that no client would want to be seen in public with incision and stitched seen in full view. 2. Accident victims. If you have been in an accident and have somehow acquired some physical disability, cosmetic surgery can fix that for you. You would want to have some of your old features back. Or hide the effects of that unfortunate event. The best of the best surgeons will be able to work out the procedures on how best to repair your features. It can be noted that some of the factors that destroy collagen are bad body habits and aging. Notice that the skin of smokers is not as young looking compared to those who does not smoke. Together with aging, this can result to more wrinkles early on. Cosmetic laser surgery can refresh the skin. But it cannot bring back the original state of your skin.
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