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A certified cosmetic surgeon takes into consideration aspects like medical illness, life stress, obesity, psychiatric condition as well as motivation of the concerned individual to decipher his readiness for the surgery. The person planning to undergo cosmetic surgery must also be ready for the possible consequences of the surgery. There are people who find that they are not satisfied with what they see in the mirror. Everyday, they would complain about what they do not like about their face or their body. At times, they idolize others and wish they could be like them. This is one of the most common reasons why people go through cosmetic surgery. This surgery, can correct worn out or tired eyelids that weaken your vision and at the same time make you look older. 2. Forehead lifts- Most of the times the early signs of aging start to develop in the forehead and brow area. These signs of aging are due to the effects of the wind, sun and the gravitational pull. Another reason is that it is the normal reaction of the body to anesthesia. You will also feel that your mouth seems very dry and your throat sore. For the pain, you are given medicine through injection in certain parts of the body like the thigh or arms. Another method of doing it is through IV. In addition, your attendant will give you a blanket or sheet to stop your shiver. Moreover, the fear and the pain behind the process are also reduced. This is why those who are afraid of having cosmetic plastic surgery before are now more confident of undergoing one. The doctors performing the surgery are also more capable nowadays. The educational background that they have is not anymore sufficient. Some complications that are associated with cosmetic face lift surgery are dead skin, facial nerve damage and loss of hair in areas where the incision has been made. These complications do not exist in most patients however. Most of them occur when the patient is diabetic, a smoker and has hypertension.
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