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How To Maintain Credit Card Score?

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Maintain A Low Credit Card Balance According to the Fair Isaac Corporation or FICO credit scoring system, having a low credit balance as compared to the amount of credit you re authorized, helps to make you a good credit risk. For instance, if you had a $60,000 credit limit on your credit card, and you ve only so far used $6,000, or 10% of the credit limit, your balance must never go up to as much as 30 percent of your card s credit limit. However, the sad thing is that whenever they check the report, they don't look at the finer details, and usually don't check the report for any errors, or any inconsistencies and flaws in the data entered. While making too much inquires can have a little negative effect on your credit score, missing out on the possible errors and wrong entries can do more damage to your credit standing. While you may be currently quickly paying-off your credit card debts, and settling any other outstanding obligations, your previous history of late or missed payments will still reflect on your score. As the credit experts often say, it takes time to repair your credit score. Myth No. 3 Closing Old Accounts Helps Boost Your Credit Report This myth s nothing but a common delusion. How To Monitor Your Business Credit Score When monitoring your business credit score from systems like Paydex, you need to bear in mind that the Paydex score ranks how early, or how late, you fulfill your debt payments. For example if you get a 70 on the Paydex system, this indicates that your business is 15 days late when making loan payments, and will certainly be considered a poor score. A credit score is generally based on a credit report that s obtained from the major credit bureaus. According to the US Faire Credit Reporting Act, a person can get a free copy of their credit report from the major credit bureaus, namely TransUnion, Equifax and Experian. The credit report is provided at no cost, and can be requested every 12 months. Keep Off Any Overdraft Fees To steer clear of overdraft fees, always make it a habit to balance your checkbook against your monthly statements, and always keep records of the items you purchase, or the services you ve availed of. It would also help if you say no to having a co-signer to your credit. By having co-signers show-up on your credit report, it may actually weaken your case with future creditors. 

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