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Once you master that then your options are endless with the vast array of stencils out there. A bottom feed or siphon feed airbrush works best when putting airbrush art onto a t-shirt. You should always stick with a name brand airbrush when airbrushing. The best name brands to go with are the Iwata or Badger. So stick with plastic or vinyl material for your stencils. A great cheap plastic to use for stencils is thin plastic folders. These can be picked up cheaply in office supply areas of most stores. When doing airbrush art there are different types of airbrushes that are available. The best airbrush to use for putting airbrush art onto an automobile is a gravity fed airbrush. Your work will be put up there for the sites traffic to see and thus getting you known in the industry. Take the time to submit several pictures of your work to several website airbrush art galleries. Don't depend on just a couple of pictures on one or two sites to get you known. Myspace is also a great way to get seen and gain some exposure. Once you have removed the oil from the area the airbrush art tattoo will stick a lot better. This will give more life to the tattoo. Now that you are ready to begin airbrushing the tattoo on, you need to take your time and be careful of what you are doing. There are no rooms for mistakes with airbrushing on a person's skin. Practice using stencils on a cheap surface and still using your black paint. You will also gain knowledge from trial and error on how to remove stencils without disturbing the paint. The type of paint that is best for a beginner just learning is Golden Airbrush Colors. These paints are ready to use and will save you from having to deal with thinners and such. Dual action is when the trigger on the airbrush controls both the air and paint. The trigger is pressed down for the air and back for the paint. Now when it comes to the feed on the airbrush there are three types of feeds that you can choose from. The type of feed you choose will also depend on what you are doing as well as what you are comfortable working with.
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