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Advanced Airbrush Art DVDs Once you have learned the basics with airbrush art, you can start to learn more advanced techniques. These advanced techniques will help you to render more imaginative art. Videos can help you learn this advanced airbrush art techniques. You can also get videos that will help you learn how to render a specific design that will fit with the airbrush art you are trying to create. These of course are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to publications that have featured her work. Shanteau does not just create brilliant airbrush art, she also teaches others how to create the same high quality airbrush art that she herself creates. In February of 2002 she released the book, The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook. If you are at an intermediate level with airbrush art then The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook by Pamela Shanteau is for you. This book will show you all about airbrushing everything from t-shirts to home interiors. Almost all surfaces for airbrush art are covered at the intermediate level in this book. Airbrushing nails to airbrushing cars is explained in great detail to help you advance further no matter what surface you like to put your airbrush art on. Solvent based paints should be cleaned with a solvent based cleaner. All water based paints can be cleaned with water or a commercial cleaner designed for airbrushes. Windex is useful when cleaner your airbrush between color changes while using your airbrush. Never soak or leave your airbrush exposed to Windex for any real length of time. Any form of art will work to give you inspiration since after all you can airbrush any design you see. Take the time to look at the art in the books and see them as your own. Think of how you would have created that picture had it been yours. Then go from there and start drawing out how you would have made it look. Each artist and each individual workshop will teach you something new and exciting about the world of airbrush art. The Learning and Product Expo: Art is one such place to take part in workshops with airbrush experts and gain some hands on experience. While under the supervision of an expert you can quickly learn where you are making some mistakes with your work.
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