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Discus Fish Market WORLD'S LARGEST Bangkok Thailand

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You can also include most peaceful and slow moving South American fish as well as Dwarf Cichlids with the discus fish. However, you just do so if the other fish doesn t compete for space and food with the discus fish. Blue and Golden Gouramis can also be included in the discus fish tank but are not recommended because they are more aggressive in nature. Discus fish are easily frightened and if they have nowhere to hide, they will get stressed easily and can possibly hurt themselves from dashing around the tank and hitting the glass. The water is also an important factor. Make sure that you keep the pH level of the water at 6 and also the temperature at a constant 82 to 86 degrees F. This is why you have to consider the size of the tank where you intend on keeping your Discus Fish. You have to try getting the largest aquarium that you possibly can in order for you to easily maintain the water quality. You may already know about the nitrogen cycle. You need to consider the fact that this is very important whenever you intend on keeping any kind of fish in a fish tank or aquarium. However, before you actually buy your first batch of discus fish, you need to keep in mind that you first need to understand the fish as well as their environment in order for you to successfully keep discus fish as pets and also keep them healthy and happy for a long time. First of all, you have to keep in mind that discus fish originated in the Amazon River basin. When they reach adulthood, you will soon observe that if there is indeed a pair, both of them will soon claim a space in the tank, and start protecting it. This pair will then be your breeding pair. Have a breeding tank ready as soon as you discover them. A breeding tank should be separate from the main tank so as to protect the spawn, at the least; your breeding tank should be 20 gallons. Fish tanks and the fish themselves are also effective stress relievers. That s why many people today would rather own fishes. And one of the fish breeds that many aquarists choose is the discus fish. Before anything else, there are many advantages in owning a pet fish. First you won t need to take them for walks, you don t have to give them baths, they don t demand much attention, and you don t really have to clean up after them after every while. 

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