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Maybe Discus Aren't All That Great? Discus vs Angelfish

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Although first timers will find it difficult to care for discus fish, you will soon get the hang of it and start taking care of discus fish easily. You have to remember that discus fish need very specific living conditions and diets. Many fish enthusiasts even say that beginners should not attempt to take care of this kind of fish as it will just frustrate them especially if they don t know what they are doing. So that your discus fish wouldn t feel stressed of being in strange waters, you must emulate its previous habitat, which is the Amazon River. Try to maintain the same temperature and acidic level as what they were used to. Normally this would be at around 26 to 31 degrees Celsius. The water should also be acidic and soft. Investing in a dependable purifier, filter, and aerator will make the water clean and livable. Vary the diet of your discus fish. Aside from the flakes and granules, feed them blood worms or fresh or frozen brine shrimp as discus fish are carnivorous. Keep your aquarium in a quiet and solitary place. Also, you should keep in mind that discus fish thrives in tropical waters. So, keep the water temperature in your tank between 84 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a water heater in your tank to keep the water temperature stable and you should also invest in a water thermometer in order for you to constantly monitor the temperature. Your next option, and the most expensive one is going to an importer and getting an adult pair already, at this stage they may already be about 6 inches long. This is the surest way that you will be able to get a pair of discus fish of the opposite sex. The problem here is that if you don t know how to look at a discus fish to determine the sex, you may get duped. Lastly, make sure that the fish tank resembles the natural environment where they lived before. So, avoid putting plastic mermaids and castle decorations. Instead, try to put rocks and a couple of driftwood as this will mimic their natural environment where they will be more at ease. Remember these tips and you can be sure that you will be able to keep your discus fish for a very long time. 

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