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Having Your Domain Name Match Your Business Name - 173

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Domain Name Renewal I am sure that many of the people are not aware of the nature and the process involved in the domain name renewal. Even those who have knowledge on computers might have no knowledge about this thing. So for those who haven't heard anything about the domain name renewal and for those who wanted to renew their domain names on the internet, this article is right for you. The private auction is considered as a category if two or more members bid on the same domain name. As such, the domain names go into a private auction for three days, where only the previous bidders will be granted to join the bidding. On the other hand, the public auction is the category when a winning bidder fails to pay the payment on a domain, so the domain name goes into a public auction. From the name itself, it is understandable that this way to sell a domain name is strictly between the buyer and the seller, of course with no third party involved in the transaction. Knowing such fact, it is then a very important factor that there is a level of trust between the parties, for the fact that a party is naturally waiting while the transfer authorization is absolutely done and the amount is sent to the seller. Some of those companies who wanted to assess your domain name value offer such service for free with the use of an automated "valuation wizard" approach, and others are offering it with charge for a more personalized valuation. However, determining your domain name value will be made possible without those domain name appraisal services offered by some companies. It is just important to note some things about it since it is a common necessity for the domain name holders to change their registered domain name information. According to some experts, when you register a domain name, you really need to specify your Domain Name Server or DNS information. However, there are some instances that you need to change such registered DNS information for certain purposes. As the library codes apply for you to know the title of a book to find in the library, the domain name IP addresses also function somewhat that way. Essentially, a domain name IP address is a set of four numbers that are divided by dots. In particular, the domain name IP address looks like, and each one of these numbers can be between 1 and 255. 

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