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Energy Efficient Homes : Design Tip for Higher Efficiency

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In contrast, if you really do not want to spend high on electric bills then you would have to control and reduce your energy consumption frequency. You may not completely enjoy the comfort of appliances' features but saving money seems more worthy for a common man. So, how can you fully enjoy them without problem of piled-up electric bills? In past, there were no instruments to measure the consumption of energy, so they could not be able to control energy utilization. It results in high amount of electricity bills. It is worth mentioning here that resident must know how much energy he is consuming a day. Today, home energy rating systems are available that cater the need to measure energy consumption. To spend a comfortable life in home, it is essential that energy flow should be appropriate. Proper energy flow will help you to cut down the cost of electricity bills. Think there is not a proper system for electricity flow, what will happen then? Your refrigerator will not work properly resulting in food decay, you won't be able to warm your meal in microwave, and your nights will be sleepless with out air conditioner. The habitual maintenance examination on furnace will make it operating proficiently. In this way the space heat equates the electricity consumed. Use of clean air-filter will again ensure that you are getting good air recycling and clean air as well. Leaking ducts can cause more power consumption because your heating system has to work 30% more than normal. A thorough examination of cooling and heating system is must and any defects must be removed immediately. Dilapidated cooling or heating systems consume considerably higher amount of energy than the newer ones. Determine whether you really need to replace your system. It is advisable to take services of professionals as they can accurately measure air filtration, heat conduction, energy input rate and R-value (rate of resistance) of various components. Solar energy plays very important role in balancing your budget. If we compare solar energy with electrical energy then solar energy is very cost effect. You can easily reduce your bill by using solar energy at your home. Another important feature of solar energy is that you have no risk. For using solar energy at home you have no need of wiring which is sometime very complicated. 

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