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They have the blower doors and infrared cameras to assess the loss of cooling and heat from a house. Any hidden holes and cracks are detected. These auditors check the walls, ceilings, doors and every other prospect that can contribute to energy conservation. But if you want to save cost, you can perform an energy audit yourself. He wants his home should be resistant both from inside and outside. All these requirements can be fulfilled when all the factors, such as home structure, residents, and motorized systems will work together as a unit. The walls, roof, base of the home and floor are basic structure of your home. The basic structure should be strong and capable of providing strength to the remaining parts of your home. Avoid the use of hot water to wash your clothes because it is the job of detergents to eradicate germs from clothes. This will help you in saving as much as 90% of energy which would be consumed by the washing machine. 6. Use of energy efficient materials and appliances around your home is another way to save your money at energy bills. In this program, grant is also awarded to those people whose has low income according to their set rule. You access this program through internet or with the help of office of Federal Government. You easily download forms through internet and then submit it online through your email. But it is better that you will go to federal government office personally and submit your form. This is about 31.2% of the total energy utilization of a single house. Whenever you make use of an air-conditioner or electric heater/ furnace you shouldn't turn the thermostat at higher temperature; you are not living on the North Pole or equator. Keep both the things off when you are not at home. You can reduce a great deal of your home energy expenditure just by turning such appliances off when you really do not need them. One would not like to sacrifice this love, happiness and peace just at the cost of rising electricity price and energy consumption demand. It is also note worthy that, when there is a necessity of home, home energy appliances come in mind, as both are complementary to each other. Your aspiration must be to make sure that everything in your home is energy efficient.
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