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Any Feng shui design, decoration and orientation without using the Feng shui compass will only be a design preference. The orientation that are gathered and the designs and the decorations that are spent to follow a Feng shui principle will not give out its maximum effect. For some it would mean very little and with the passage of time it will amount to nothing. Eight will be good working their goals in the southwest while for the 9's; you are attracting wealth best in the eastern zone. The kua numbers are excellent gauges not only in determining your personal zones in the house. It could also apply anywhere. When you are at the office and you are a manager or have a position that has to do with finance, insist on these positions. In this Feng shui office layout, the managers will be facing the wealth direction or the Sheng chi. For the entry level and most rank and file positions, their direction will be oriented to the personal development or the Fu Wei direction. The Dragons Path. In Feng shui, the dragon is believed to bring good luck, prosperity and wealth, the bigger the dragon, the better the chances of the symbol to bring in success. Having clean lines on the flooring also helps to have a pleasant feel unlike those with irregular lines that adds to a cluttered image. Open doors and windows every now and then, this will let the stale air out and the fresh ones in but clean the dust as soon as you can. Never let air openings be closed for long periods at of time, as this will prevent the chi from entering the house. Colors make statements. It could signify love, peace, tranquility, boldness, creativity etc. Due to this, colors have to be adapted to the mood of the bedroom that the occupant wants to evoke. Feng shui also uses colors to decrease, augment or redirect the chi of the person. Some would want to increase a person's yang by adopting a different set of colors while others want improvements on their yin. Colors and cuts rule the different crystals and its benefits although you do not really have to give this much thought. You can go to any Feng shui store and in most cases the different kinds are written and displayed (usually beneath a crystal) and explained together with the uses and the benefits that you could get from it. 

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