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While the brown trout prefers slower water and calmer pools, the rainbow trout likes the more oxygen-rich fast running water. That enthusiasm makes the rainbow a favourite of the angler. There is yet another trout that is not actually a trout. The Brooke trout or brookie lives in the cooler streams of the north-eastern US and is related to the char. Keep your children busy while you are fishing. They prefer to stay active. Plan your fishing outing accordingly. Include exciting water activities such as snorkeling, tubing, or looking for various wildlife. Of course, showing them the basics of fishing will forever keep them and you busy! There are enough details involved in the sport of fishing that you will need to take your kids on multiple trips before they are fluent in the language of the angler. While true, this is not practical advice for many of us in Northern climates where playing or working on frozen water is part of our lives. Ice fishing, for one, allows many opportunities for disaster when the dangers of ice are neither appreciated nor prepared for properly. Sometimes we tend to simplify the dangers of ice fishing, thinking of all of the fun of catching the big one after drinking a case of beer with friends while downplaying or omitting altogether the inherent dangers. Bass fish do not have great vision, so they will rely on their sense of smell during the night. Your objective is to create a smell of food or wounded prey. A popular method during night fishing is to create a chum line. If you are not comfortable trolling a chum line, you may want to consider live bait. If the sun is positioned in front of the marlin, he will be oblivious to your bait because he will be unable to see it. The best way to find marlin is through the use of modern technology. An ultrasound sensor is a tool that is used to spot marlin. However, the gadgets for fishing are not cheap. Unless you are someone who is dedicated to solely fishing for marlin, be careful of the purchases that you make. Once the female catfish lays her eggs, she departs the nest, leaving the male catfish to guard the eggs and keep them aerated. The male will not leave the nest until the baby catfish are ready to leave as well. Catfish are very aggressive during spawning season. For this reason, care must be taken to avoid becoming victim to that aggression when noodling. 

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