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Archival Tricks with Ancestry's Genealogy Tools

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Names like Westwood and Churchill, for example can mean an ancestor used to live west of the woods and near a church on top of a hill, but which woods and which church? Other names, like Dunlop are actually based on location, but since language has evolved, the word is no longer associated with its original meaning. The familysearch program is a collection of computer programs and files that are there to assist individuals in their search for info on their ancestors. The familysearch program include the family history catalog library, the genealogical international index, the ancestral file (a program which allow other patrons to arrange history family info), the death social security index, the church Scottish records, the military US index. Aside from FamilySearch.org, there are other sites that can be used to look for your family name history. GenExchange.org, familytreemaker.com, kindredkonnections, and Ancestry.com, to name a few. All of these are very similar when it comes to their features such as offering databases that could contain up to 2 billion names! They encourage members to share their records. Members can also use their link to the WorldConnect Project to look at other family trees. If you want to communicate with other members, you can join their message board and exchange information. Best of all, you can request for free webspace with which to build your genealogy website. After which, documents or journals (also known as diaries) should be gathered as they are a necessary part of proving their kinship. As people begin to gather information about past generations, they do not only unearth the names of their ancestors but also such information as the way they have lived their lives and what motivated them. Using a digital video on your shoot is the best option since there is little or no reduction in the quality of the copy. You could save these interviews either on DVD or CD for a lot easier viewing and storing. Make a type-tree graph Another suggestion you could do is by making your own tree master graph either through electronic means or via paper. 

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