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Make extra copies Any source material you gather is best to be photocopied especially if they are source printed materials. File them all in folders with appropriate labels such as the name of the relative. Include the details of their birth dates and dates of death so as to be able to distinguish them between other family members who may have similar names. This include wills, deeds, births, marriages and death. The following are steps you could do if you are planning to go to the LDS family history library and do your own genealogical search. When at the LDS family history library website Look up and go to the to be able to get the info you need on the location of the LDS family history library as well as its history. They believe that genealogical work is a part of man s salvation. Their belief is three-fold- missionary work, perfecting the saints (improving themselves while following the gospel) and redeeming the dead (here is where the genealogical works come in). This belief led to the creation of FamilySearch. Also, there are various classes offered by many family history centers. These classes offer research genealogical topics which could further assist you in your family history search. Family history centers are also able to give you referrals to other archives, libraries or institutions that could assist you in your search. There are numerous characters originated and used according to Korean and Japanese definitions which will represent as native words. The free relationship between character and phonetics made writings of different and not related languages a possibility. Sinographs is the other term for Chinese characters thus their writing is called sinography. Step four is about the slavery and owner s research. Once you found your ancestor s slave owner, you need to track their records to know what they did about their properties. The logic behind this is that slaves are part of the owner s property. Research on their probate records, wills, bills of sale, plantation records, and advertisements of runaway slaves from newspapers.
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