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For example, if the great grandfather served in the military, there is no harm in checking specialized websites like those provided by the army. The same can be done if the place where the relative worked was in a church or in a hospital since most of these organizations usually have a website that feature its history and current projects. The site that claims to have the biggest collection of family history (which comes in free, thank goodness!) is FamilySearch.org. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints own this site. The site has an assistant that could help the researcher on things like getting started, downloading forms that are useful to the search (pedigree charts or family group records), showing records that are relevant to the family name search (census and vital records, marriage and even death records) and the most important to you: the category on family organizations and surnames. What really is rootsweb for? The basic function of rootsweb is to help people connect so that all of them could help one another in the sharing of genealogical research. Majority of the resources available on rootsweb are primarily designed to facilitate the said connections. How does one start using rootsweb? The following are advice and tips for you to be able to know more about your own family genealogy. Write, write, write it all The first step is in the writing down of all and every name that you know from both your parents sides. Basically, this means all members of your families. Begin the process with your own name, after which, try to work backwards to the name of your parents and then the names of the parents of your parents, and so on. Members can then exchange information and facts online, making their genealogy research easier and more convenient. How to join Most of these sites require membership, although there are no fees charged. To join, simply provide basic information such as your name, date of birth, location and email address. A basic family tree should look like the following: You > Your Father > Your Father s Father & Your Father s Mother Your Mother > Your Mother s Father & Your Mother s Mother Before one should delve into the long process of tracing generations that are way back, a person should begin by asking his living relatives. 

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