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This really depends on the preference of the couples that you are giving these anniversary gifts too. Often, stores that sell pens already do engraving for free as additional service to improve customer relations. Still, there are others demand payment. If you are not keen in paying for this kind of service, make sure then that the service is free before you purchase the items. GIft Basket for the Wedding Anniversary When a couple is celebrating an anniversary, there are many things that either friends or family can give as a gift. Some choose to give a card while others offer gift certificates for the spouses to decide what to get. If the friend wants to stand out, something different like giving away a basket of goodies is one option. According to tradition, this should change every year. The longer that the couple stay together, the more extravagant the gift can become. During the first wedding anniversary, people in the past usually gave each other something made of paper. This can be a love letter or a card that tells the spouse some of those heartfelt things during the first year as husband and wife. Below are some great gift ideas that you will find useful when you do attend a golden wedding anniversary. 1. Buy a gold pendant with the picture of the two off them on it. There are specialty jewelry stores that do this kind of service. All you have to do is scout for it in malls. 2. Buy a gold jewelry, whether a ring, a necklace or a bracelet and put their engraved names on it. Time had flown so fast that both these individuals were able to raise 3 children with the eldest who just finished college. Jack told Mary that this moment would be celebrated with dinner for two at the couple's favorite Italian restaurant along Ocean Boulevard. Little did Mary know what was planned since this was going to be more than one evening for dinner that the two will enjoy. If you are caught by an invitation for 25th Silver Anniversary Celebration with an RSVP printed at the card, it is the start of panic. What could be the best silver anniversary gift you can endow a beloved friend or family? What if you are broke at the moment? That is a big problem but not a big deal.
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