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So the choice is yours as to whether or not you want the handle on or off of your airbrush while you are creating airbrush art. Pay special attention to the threads on your airbrush. The threads are located on the head assembly and where the air hose connects to your airbrush. If these threads should ever become cross-threaded then you could end up with an air leak. The starter kit also give you 50 Vynalaser stencils that can be reused over and over again. Airbrush Bodyart's starter kit runs around $293. Individually all the same products that you get in the kit, would run you around $346. If you want to step your airbrush kit up then Airbrush Bodyart offers a professional kit. While under the supervision of an expert you can quickly learn where you are making some mistakes with your work. Expert instructors include Peter West and Pamela Shanteau who hold classes at the Learning and Product Expo: Art for beginners through to advanced. AirBrush Action offers their Airbrush Getaway Workshops that run from a one day class to four day classes and are located in Las Vegas, Nevada. While these stencils can greatly aid you in your airbrush art, they also can hinder your creativity. So the best way to deal with having you use stencils and reduce costs as well as leaving your creativity open is to create your own stencils. If you can trace you can create your own stencils cheaply. If you are using a double action airbrush you should be experimenting to see how far back gives you how much paint spray. Once you are comfortable using the airbrush then you should work on creating shapes with your airbrush. Using a cheap surfaces airbrush circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. The bottom feed is where the cup is mounted to the bottom of the airbrush and the paint is brought up via a siphon tube. It is for this reason that the bottom feed is also referred to as a siphon feed. Since the artist can attach the cup to the bottom of the airbrush the colors can be changed quickly by using different cups prefilled with the colors needed.
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