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Headaches Caused by Neck Pain

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You should make it an important rule to talk to your doctor before taking any headache medicine or any other medication for that matter. With a number of over-the-counter medications now available in the market, you never ever have to suffer from frequent headaches. It should never try to stop you from living a more normal life. Tension headaches are milder and duller in comparison while migraine headaches can be really severe, accompanied by pounding throbbing pain that only increases. Migraine headaches can also be accompanied by other physical problems such as sensitivity to light, sound and odors as well as nausea and vomiting. Aside from this, there can be a loss of smell from a congested nasal passage. Furthermore, aside from sinus headaches and other symptoms already mentioned here, sinusitis could trigger fever and cough. The cough can sometimes be a result of a post nasal drip from the draining of the sinuses that irritate the upper windpipe which causes it to be sore and encourages us to cough as a result. It is more severe and more frequent than your ordinary type of headache. Migraine headache however only affect a certain area on the head, often the side area or the temples unlike the common type that encompasses the whole head including the neck. People suffering from migraine headaches may also experience a hallucination called aura. The most popular triggers for headache are usually lifestyle-related like poor and unbalanced diet, unmanaged stress, recurrent muscle tension, and lack of regular physical activity or exercise. Aside from these, headache can also be a result of more serious disorders like brain tumor. If you are one of those who experiences headaches often, maybe it s now time to extend your knowledge about the common illness and discover what you can do to totally eliminate headache in your life. It is very important to correctly diagnose cluster headache because it is extremely painful and debilitating and it has a tendency to attack for a few minutes to a few hours. The difficulty in realizing that it is cluster headache instead of migraine is that sometimes, people who suffer from cluster headache also experience the usual nausea and sensitivity to light that migraine sufferers experience. 

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