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HEALTHY EATING HACKS » + printable guide

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Having too many drinks can cripple your will power, and also add excess calories to your diet. In the place of alcohol, drink water with lemon. Water can help to limit your appetite and keep you from binging. Also make sure to avoid eggnog, as each glass can have up to 300 calories. Be flexible with your healthy eating, as one bad meal won't ruin your diet. The fact is, healthy eating is even more important when your trying to keep up with a busy schedule. Having a good diet will help your body to handle stress better. As you hustle about, a healthy meal is probably the last thing you think about. The following tips can help you eat when your on the go. - When you order grilled fish or vegetables, you should ask that the food be grilled without butter or oil, or prepared with very little or either or. - Anytime you order pasta dishes, be on the lookout for tomato based sauces instead of the cream based sauces. Tomato based sauces are much lower in fat and calories, and tomato sauce can even be counted as a vegetable! If your hotel has a stove or microwave, consider bringing your own healthy food with you. If you simply must eat out, do so only when you are hungry. Restaurants will usually serve large portions, so be careful. If you do go a bit over on a meal, simply cut back on the next. If you find it hard to fit in three square meals a day, try to fit in six smaller meals or snacks, as your body needs fuel every four hours or so. Margarine Margarine was first introduced as an alternative to high fat butter. When it was first created however, it was loaded with trans fat, a substance that we now know raises bad cholesterol. As a cooking oil, margarine tastes good, it's lower in fat than most oils and butter, and it's quite easy to spread. Eating Healthy For Students For students, eating at college is an entire new ball game, with late night pizza delivery and food from buggies. Even though some of these quick and simple options taste great, they are probably not healthy for a student's body. The food choices students make can affect whether or not they are able to remain awake during class and whether or not they will come down with mononucleosis when it hits campus. 

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