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Mastering the Art of Healthy Eating: Diet Tips and Nutrition Research | Dr Willett | The Proof #266

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Broccoli Broccoli can help protect against breast cancer, and it also contains a lot of vitamin C and beta-carotene. One cup of chopped broccoli contains 25 calories, 0 fat, and 3 grams of fiber. Spinach Spinach contains carotenoids that can help fend off macular degeneration, which is a major cause of blindness in older people. When it comes to defending against illnesses, vitamins and minerals are very important. Just because they are important, isn't a reason for students to run out and stock up on vitamins and supplements. It's best for students to get their nutrition from food. You can find vitamin C in citric fruits, Vitamin A in milk and diary products, and vitamin E in nuts, whole wheat products, and even green leafy vegetables. Choosing healthy fats and oils Saturated fat will increase the risk of heart disease. It's found in meat, butter, and even coconut oil. You should avoid them until your cholesterol levels are down and you are at a healthy weight. Even those that love red meats can enjoy seafood and nuts for their main sources of protein. - Anytime you order pasta dishes, be on the lookout for tomato based sauces instead of the cream based sauces. Tomato based sauces are much lower in fat and calories, and tomato sauce can even be counted as a vegetable! - You should always try to drink water, diet soda, or tea instead of soda or beverages that contain alcohol. Breakfast is often times a victim of the morning time crunch. Even though you may be tempted to skip breakfast, you can simplify your morning routine by following these 8 tips: 1. Finish homework and pack school bags at night. 2. Decide on what your children will wear to school before you go to bed and locate lost shoes for the following day. The fact is, healthy eating is even more important when your trying to keep up with a busy schedule. Having a good diet will help your body to handle stress better. As you hustle about, a healthy meal is probably the last thing you think about. The following tips can help you eat when your on the go. 

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