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Cons Lacking in social interaction One of the downsides of homeschooling program is the fact that it lacks the social component, which teaches the child to interact with other people. This is especially needed during the stage when the social and communication skills of children are just developing. To supplement the absence of this component, some parents organize social activities for their children. Unless you can supplant a social component into his program, he will be missing so much in terms of learning how to interact with other people. 2. State laws in homeschool You may not be aware of it but each state enforces certain rules and guidelines that parents and teachers of the homeschooling program should adhere to. There are various reasons why it is done so, especially to exceptional cases in the nature of work, and the situations of life one has been drawn into. Examples of individuals that need apply a home schooling curriculum are those in the entertainment world, such as in the movies, television, theatres, and advertisements when there's no definite time in photo or filming footages. For instance, if the child is able to breeze through the lessons fast, he or she can relax on the remaining time. There is no need to stay in the class and study. No fix place. Learning can be done and achieved anywhere. This is why most homeschooling parent do not just make their homes their children s classrooms but also everywhere they feel their children can learn. High-school home schooling are available online and in every advertisement directories. Choose the reputable one, read the information and interview the personnel about the program. It is lesser in cost and everyday maintenance compared to attending institutions. Availing this option is a personal choice. And with home education, it is more the responsibility of the parents to teach their children. And because of the time spend with each other, this approach has made parents and their kids become closer with each other. With home schooling, parents will also be able to save a lot when it comes to expenses. 

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