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Matt Walsh DEBUNKS John Oliver's Homeschooling Segment

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Kids will not only learn from this activity, they will also have fun. One of the disadvantages of a homeschooling program is the fact that it deemphasizes the social component of learning. Parents and teachers of the homeschooling program can supplement this by creating activities for your kids that will expose them to other people. Pros Flexible structure One of the things that puts homeschooling in stellar position is the fact that it is highly flexible and dynamic. Unlike traditional curriculum which is fixed, the homeschooling system allows changes, in fact it encourages them. Tailor-fit to the child Because of the fluid structure of homeschooling programs, the lessons can be tailor-fitted to the child s capability, pace and learning style. Ideally, one parent should remain at home and teach the child but this cannot work with moms and dads who have careers of their own. With the worksheets and teaching that one has to do, home schooling can be really time consuming. It is best that parents first take a look at their schedules before putting their children to homeschool. and some other richer industrial places around the globe. Present-day school beginner is more exposed to so many complications about the environment, atmospheric conditions due to global warming that cause weather conditions unpredictable. Negligence to react in Reforestations that could prevent possible floods, landslides and all the inconveniences during rainy seasons, situation most difficult for school children or high graders on school sessions. You can choose from a variety of accepted techniques available that you can use to effectively help your child learn and absorb new knowledge. There are unit studies that make use of a central theme, implemented in context on all the subjects that are tackled. Home schooling can also follow a student-paced learning approach which depends on a student's learning speed. Also include different writing instruments handy such as pencils, pens, colored pencils, crayons, chalk, markers, etc. Also include in your shopping list other items like all-purpose glue, scotch tape, rulers, erasers, staplers, paper clips, portable blackboard, and calculators. In preparing to home school your children, you should also be able to have different learning tools available around the home. 

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